Saturday, January 07, 2006

one more self-appointed expert

Anyone who has spent much time reading the blogosphere will no doubt be familiar with that wonderful Internet phenomenon, the self-appointed expert. [Sorry, but the truth will set you free!] Just the fact that one actually has a blog is an indication that you think you have something worth sharing with the rest of the world. Something you think they desperately need to know.

Of course, whether anyone will bother to pay attention is an entirely different matter!

Be that as it may, a few ground rules for tiybod are probably in order.
  • First and foremost, the opinions presented here are my own, and not those of my employer, family, friends, dog or anyone else. I may know what I'm talking about...or, I may be completely full of it. You will have to judge that for yourself.
  • Second, as indicated in my bio, I am currently employed in the biotechnology industry. I have be fortunate to work for several, as they say, leading biotech companies. However, I will not be mentioning the identity of my current employer, for the simple reason that I am not an official company spokesperson. I am sure you can google up this information, if you really care. But either way, I will not be commenting on my employer, our drug pipeline, or our direct competitors and collaborators. Reader's comments on these subjects will be deleted.
  • Finally, as those of you who know me can attest, I have a wickedly sarcastic sense of humor. And if that were not enough to get me in trouble, half of my jokes are so subtle I am often the only one who gets them. So, when in doubt, read between the lines. Verbum sapienti satis est.
Everything else is fair game! I hope you enjoy my blog, and I look forward to your comments...

Click here for another view on self-appointed experts.


Ron Goldstein said...

Hi Kevin
Just called in to return the compliment of your visit to my own site.
I like the layout but don't think much of the photo on your Profile, you look too much like a bunch of vegetables :)
Will pop in occasionally to see how your Blog develops.
Best wishes

aarongrey112 said...

Hi, I came across your site and wasn’t able to get an email address to contact you about a broken link on your site. Please email me back and I would be happy to point them out to you.


Aaron Grey
aarongrey112 at